Tuesday, February 28, 2012


ultrascan的时候,我目击他踢我! 看到的时候好像很出力酱,可是又没感觉咯。 迟一些就更明显了吧。

最近怪梦连连,我梦见有一个人趁我跌倒到桌角用力压我的腰。我痛到像腰快要断掉在梦里狂叫到吓醒! 我发现肚子的宝宝在狂踢我。。可能他也被吓到了。 然后就很怕睡回去又继续做那个梦,就失眠了。 唉~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

怀孕日记:19周 Island hospital, Dr. Narinder, birth plan

早在怀孕之前, 我就听过水中分娩。 水中分娩的好处很多,包括可以减轻疼痛,阴部撕裂。水中分娩在马来西亚还不是很普遍,除此之外,只有少数的医院提供这项分娩法,(槟城的island hospital 和 吉隆坡的两家私人医院) 价钱也很高!跟开刀的价钱差不多 ><

为了我的宝宝有好的开始,我决定选择gentle birth, without any intervention. 价钱虽然比一些医院高上3倍,可是我有买保险,可以claim! ^^ 所以,老公也没什么意见。我看得出他是很担心,可是老婆生孩子,不是他本人,所以也只好答应了。

当我怀孕19周的时候,我就决定换医生了,不是早前的医生不好,而是我要选择水中分娩,早前的医生似乎不太鼓励。那家医院也没有提供这项服务。还有就是,我要找的这位妇科医生有给他的病人提供birth plan!! 我听其他妈妈这么讲,还有对他的好评,我就更有信心了~

其实很多马来西亚妈妈不懂birth plan 的重要性。我个人觉得有birth plan, 生宝宝的时候就有信心多了。(希望全部可以顺利进行。^^)birth plan里面主要是提到产妇的分娩需求(产妇个人意愿),包括产房的灯光,分娩的每一个阶段的过程的需求。比如,要自由走动,可以吃喝,止痛药,剃不剃阴毛,birthing ball, 分娩姿势,episiotomy等等。 除此自外,还可以要求分娩过后,要马上把宝宝放在妈妈的怀里,不要马上剪挤带,skin to skin contact, 喂奶,要求1st bath for baby。宝宝出世后,要100% 喂母乳还是要奶粉,要不要给奶嘴等。如果需要开刀,有什么要求,如果过了预产期等等。。 全部都可以记录在birth plan 里。然后再跟医生讨论,医生同意了,就以宝宝和妈妈的安全为优先,在正常的安全的情况下,birth plan 是可以如常进行的。我在网上看过很多妇科医生不支持birth plan, 他们觉得麻烦。有的还埋怨对方online太多了。 其实,这个在外国也很普遍了。。=.=" 我可不要傻傻进去生孩子,再傻傻出来。

长话短说, Dr. Narinder 给我的印象很好。他的态度很好,有问必答,解释也很清楚,又有耐心,不用我等很久就轮到我了。 虽然老公说他收那么贵,态度当然好啦~- 我明白老公还比较习惯之前的医生,收费便宜,态度也不错。是我坚持要水中分娩,他才跟我来的。呵呵~跟医生聊了一阵子后, 我也拿到birth plan 的草稿,跟老公讨论后,下一个产检就可以跟医生讨论了。。

19周的宝宝比之前长大许多~ 我还亲眼目睹宝宝用他的脚踢我! 很用力那种,还好我没感觉。><  也一再证实是男宝宝哦~ 呵呵!

我的体重也上升得很快,肚子也隆起了~ 裤子底裤不能穿啦~ ><" 胃口也变得比较好~ ^^

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

怀孕日记: Baby Shopping

I have done some baby shopping so far while surveying for cheap and on sale stuff. The whole process is fun and it is like treasure hunting to me. I have made myself a shopping list based on th e Peekaboo.my website. (http://www.peekaboo.my/newborn_checklist.pdf

When i know i am pregnant, i already knew we have tons and tons of stuff to prepare because this is our 1st baby.  We are so excited and cannot wait to meet him in July! Well, our baby boy will have all brand new stuff!!! ( How fortunate you are to be daddy and mummy's 1st son.. ngek..) However, i'm trying to cut down the cost on clothing as babies grow up fast and they only last for few months.

Long sleeves shirts and pants set i got from baby shop Price between RM10- 13.80/set . i cannot help myself to pick the blue ones and the giraffe printing is just so cute~! ><The 2 on top is a new born size and the 2 at the bottom is M size. The new born size i bought is for backup just in case the M size is too big for him.

These are the sleeveless with short pants set. i cannot help to buy these while i was shopping for another stuff because it is only MR8.90/ set. >< They are M size.

 Tommee Tippee bottles with design! i got this for rm31.90. i think this is a good price for this brand after doing my research online and it is a good buy. ^^ i still cannot help myself and chose the blue ones..... @@

The baby wipes i bought is paraben free. The wet tissue i saw which are paraben free in the market is jusco selection, fiffy, Wetty and sun baby. I think it is better to choose a paraben free product even thought it has been widely used as preservatives by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraben)

Below are some mittens, boothies, baby binder and socks i got for our baby. i like the mittens with the "I love mummy and daddy" wording. he don't have any with these wording so far. it would be fun to get some with these printing, i know it may not be what the baby wanted to tell us everytime. But it's no harm to self pleasure. (syok sendiri) once in a while :) I will look for more clothes with these printing if there is any.. hehe..